1673328431 British hate preacher calls Prince Harry a Muslim killer whose

British hate preacher calls Prince Harry a ‘Muslim killer’ whose Taliban confession should be a ‘wake-up call’

Notorious British hate preacher Anjem Choudary has ominously called Prince Harry’s confession of the killing of 25 Taliban troops a “wake-up call” to “end the occupation of foreign forces from all Muslim countries”.

The convicted extremist – whose supporters include the terrorists who beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby in 2013 – issued the disturbing call to action after the exiled king confessed to the killings while on duty in Afghanistan, the Telegraph said.

Choudary reportedly fumed in a rambling blog post titled “Muslim Killer ‘Prince’ Harry Shows His True Face Again!”

“Harry’s latest revelations that he murdered 25 Muslims in Afghanistan, followed by his remarks that he had no remorse and that he considered these people only ‘pawns’ tells us all we can about the royal family and you Islam and Muslims need to know how to think,” Choudary wrote to the British newspaper.

“In reality, the British royal family has a long and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim land, usurping its resources and oppressing Muslims.”

According to other snippets shared by the Mail on Sunday, Choudary wrote that “the world is now aware of the wickedness the US, Britain and others are complicit in, including the repeated killing of innocent unarmed Muslims.”

Harry on duty for the military in 2008.Harry boasted of killing 25 Taliban troops while serving in Afghanistan for the British Army. AFP/Getty Images

“Nevertheless, Harry saw fit to stab his knife deeper into the hearts of Muslims with his callous, boastful comments,” he reportedly wrote of Harry’s widely condemned confession.

“Harry’s recent honest testimony should serve not only as evidence of the motives and aims behind the British occupation of Afghanistan, but also as a wake-up call for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to do whatever they can to stop the occupation by foreign forces exit from all Muslim countries, including Syria, Iraq and those in North Africa where many British soldiers are stationed.”

Choudary’s organization al-Muhajiroun first gained notoriety for staging morbid events to commemorate the September 11, 2001 attacks with leaflets calling the kidnappers “the magnificent 19”.

Some of his supporters were behind despicable terrorist attacks such as the beheading of 25-year-old Rigby on the street outside his London barracks in May 2013, as well as London bridge-cutter Usman Khan.

Radical preacher Anjem Choudary speaks in 2021.Radical preacher Anjem Choudary called Harry a “Muslim killer” whose confessional was a “wake-up call” to action. PA Images via Getty Images

Choudary was sentenced to five and a half years in prison in 2016 after being found guilty of asking for support from ISIS.

He was released in 2018 under strict conditions that prevented him from speaking publicly on sensitive issues. Those conditions were lifted in July 2021 after serving his sentence, the Telegraph noted.

His blog post sparked outrage among British politicians.

“This is an absolute example not only of hate speech, but of a direct and indirect threat to our constitutional head of state, monarchy and government and all public servants,” former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan-Smith told the Mail.

Radical preacher Anjem Choudary and his followers hold one "Sharia for Britain" Banner.Choudary has been widely labeled as a hate preacher and some of his supporters have carried out shocking terrorist attacks. UK Press via Getty Images

“The police and security services must act against this man now and he should no longer be free to act accordingly in the UK,” he said.

“Whatever you think of Harry’s comments, the real danger lies right there with this hate preacher trying to incite people to violent action. These people have no place in a peaceful democracy.”

MP Khalid Mahmood called Choudary’s comments “abhorrent” and said the attack “endangered lives”.

“He has to understand that British troops are out there to serve our interests and therefore he shouldn’t call for their heads,” Mahmood told the British newspaper.

Prince Harry kept his military rifle in action in 2008.British politicians condemned the blog, while others attacked the prince for being foolish about his confessional. AFP/Getty Images

Another MP, Tobias Ellwood, told the Telegraph that Choudary and others used Harry’s confessional to “foment hatred”.

Philip Ingram, a former intelligence and security officer, told the British newspaper: “Any statement like this by Anjem Choudary increases the danger not only to British troops but also to other established figures around the world.”