British judiciary decides on legal plan to deport migrants to

British judiciary decides on legal plan to deport migrants to Rwanda

The High Court in London has thus given the Conservative government a victory for this highly controversial project.

The High Court in London has ruled the UK government’s plan to deport asylum seekers who entered the UK illegally to Rwanda, giving the Conservative government a victory for the highly controversial plan.

“The court found that it was lawful for the UK government to make arrangements to send asylum seekers to Rwanda and have their asylum claims examined in Rwanda rather than in the UK,” read a summary of the High Court’s ruling. He believed that the regulations planned by the government did not violate the Refugee Convention.

“We welcome this decision and stand ready to offer asylum seekers and migrants the opportunity to start a new life in Rwanda,” Rwandan government spokeswoman Yolande Makolo told AFP, a “positive” step towards solving the global migration crisis.

SEE ALSO – Migrants: “It’s still us, the Europeans, who save them,” recalls Pierre Manent