British PM criticized for unsympathetic conversation with homeless man

British PM criticized for ‘unsympathetic conversation’ with homeless man

The young British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in the spotlight for his ‘lack of empathy’ with a homeless man.

During a charity breakfast in London, the political leader reached out to the community, helping in the kitchen to serve breakfast to those most in need.

At this moment, A man identified as Dean approached to receive a plate of typical English breakfast from the Prime Minister.

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Dean, who wanted to approach more directly, asked Sunak if he was “fixing the economy”as this is one of the issues that most worries the British public.

The former banker replied: “Do you work in the shop?”to which the man humbly replied:

“No, I’m homeless. I really am someone without a home”said.

“Would you like to devote yourself to that?” Sunak replied, to which the man replied, “Yes, I wouldn’t mind (…) But I don’t know, I’d like to spend Christmas first.”

Sunak’s “lack of tact” provoked various criticisms by the population and their opponents.

Labor Bill Esterson accused the Prime Minister of having “lost touch with reality”.

Sunak, who has worked in the banking sector for much of his life, is the ‘talisman’ of Britain’s economy-bailout policy.

It is precisely his economic position that calls into question his position as prime ministersince he was accused of not knowing the needs of the British.

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