Brooke Shields recalls being rescued by Bradley Cooper during grand

Brooke Shields recalls being rescued by Bradley Cooper during grand mal seizure

Brooke Shields

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Bradley Cooper has done many heroic deeds in his films. But apparently this also carries over into real life.

Brookie Shields shared in her Glamor 2023 Women of the Year interview that Cooper came to her aid when she suffered a grand mal seizure. The incident occurred before a performance of her one-woman show “Prely Owned by Brooke Shields” at New York’s Café Carlyle.

“I was getting ready for the show and drinking so much water that I didn’t know I was low in sodium. I was waiting for an Uber. I get to the bottom of the stairs and obviously look strange [the people I was with] said, ‘Are you OK?'” she said.

After leaving the venue “for no reason.” – I ask myself: ‘Why am I out here?’” – she returned to the house.

“I go in, two women come towards me; I don’t know her. Everything starts to go black,” she continued. “Then my hands fall to the side and I fall head first into the wall.”

Shields was clearly seriously ill, “foaming at the mouth, totally blue, trying to swallow my tongue.” The next thing I remember is being loaded into an ambulance. I have oxygen on.”

Next thing she knew she woke up in an ambulance with “Bradley fucking Cooper sitting next to me holding my hand.”

Shields claims she thought, “This is what death must be like.” You wake up and Bradley Cooper says, “I’m going to the hospital with you, Brooke,” and he’s holding my hand. And I look at my hand, I look at Bradley Cooper’s hand in my hand and I think, ‘This is strange and surreal.'”

Shields and Cooper starred in the 2008 film “Midnight Meat Train” and remained friends.

Apparently, Cooper’s assistant was called in when Shields’ husband, Chris Henchy, couldn’t immediately be found. The assistant then called Cooper, who happened to be near the venue.

Doctors at the hospital treated Shields and told her she had been drinking too much water, which lowers sodium levels in the body and could lead to a seizure.

Your advice? “Eat potato chips every day,” Shields said.