Actor Bruce Willis has frontotemporal dementia. This was announced by his family on social media. In the spring of 2022, he was diagnosed with aphasia, which causes difficulty speaking, one of the symptoms of the disease that affects the 67-year-old.
“Frontotemporal dementia is a cruel disease that many of us have never heard of and can affect anyone,” the family wrote, saying they were just relieved that at least “we now have a clear diagnosis.” “It’s the most common form of dementia for people under the age of 60, and as it can take years to diagnose, it’s probably far more common than we know. Today there is no cure for the disease, a reality that we hope will change over time requires much more awareness and research as Bruce’s condition progresses.”
“Bruce has always found joy in life and has helped everyone he knows do the same. We were so touched by the love you shared for our dear husband, father and friend during this difficult time. Your compassion, understanding and respect will help us give Bruce the fullest possible life.”