Bruce Willis unable to communicate due to frontotemporal dementia

Bruce Willis, unable to communicate due to frontotemporal dementia

This was revealed by Glenn Gordon Caron, creator of the TV show “Moonlighting,” which starred Bruce Willis The actor has lost his language skills and is unable to communicate due to frontotemporal dementia.

“He used to be a voracious reader, I didn’t want anyone to know that… And now he doesn’t read anymore. All of these language skills are no longer available to him and yet he’s still Bruce,” Caron told the New York Post.

“When you’re with him, you know it’s Bruce and you’re grateful he’s there, but the joy of life is gone.”he added.

Caron told the outlet He occasionally communicates with Willis’ wife, Emma Heming Willis, and their older children. He also talked about what the actor thinks about “Moonlighting” coming to a streaming platform.

“I know he’s excited,” Caron shared. “I was able to communicate with him before the illness made him as reserved as he is nowabout the hope that the program will come back to people,” he added.

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Bruce Willis’ diagnosis and retirement from acting

In March 2022after more than forty years of artistic career, Bruce Willis’ family announced he was retiring from acting due to brain damage.

According to his family on social networks: the actor of ‘Die Hard’ was diagnosed with aphasia, a type of brain damage that affects the ability to communicate through speaking, writing, or facial expressions due to brain injury.

Almost a year later, In February this year, Bruce Willis’ family reported that the actor’s condition had progressed to frontotemporal dementia. (FTD). The family revealed that there are currently no treatment options for this disease.

“Since we announced Bruce’s aphasia diagnosis in the spring of 2022, Bruce’s condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD). Unfortunately, The communication problems are just a symptom of the illness Bruce is facing. Although painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis“The family said at the time.