Bruna complains about photos at a BBB 23 party and is scolded: “It’s ready, isn’t it?” Squirt

Right at the start of the Top 5 BBB 23 (Globo) party, Bruna Griphao was berated by Larissa after she complained about the photos chosen by the program’s production to honor her.

At the event, each of the finalists had their own section with objects and photos related to their lives and careers. However, the actress did not like the choice of her images.

“Take it off folks! For God’s sake,” Bruna exclaimed upon seeing photos of her as a teenager.

“What is that? I’m very p*ta,” the actress continued.

Larissa rebuked her friend’s attitude: “It has, Bruna? It has. Everything has a limit”.

Bruno replied: “F*ck, Larissa. Look at my pictures! F*ck!”.

Then the sister continued to complain about the pictures to Aline Wirley.

Your photos are perfect. Laris, Amandinhas too. Even Facinhos [Ricardo]! Damn what they did to me! This picture is from a movie, I hate it. Which photo is this? The only one I liked was mine when I was a kid and that was it. Bruna

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