Bruno Barbieri was devastated and in pain his car was

Bruno Barbieri was devastated and in pain, his car was set on fire | The search for the perpetrator is underway, but the clues are already there iFood

Car on fireCar burns – (Photo by Depositphoto)

It is a real tragedy that he had to endure. Unfortunately, his car burned down in a fire. Was it directed against him?

It's not easy for anyone say goodbye to your car and it probably couldn't have been more than that for him Chef Bruno Barbieriwhat it was She had to say goodbye due to a terrible fire.

How scared he must have been. He certainly still lives in fear that it could happen again, even though the fire broke out several years ago, in 2010 2014. An article in written this year commemorates the entire event and the terrible night that the cook experienced.

A night full of fear and calls from the police, who immediately turned to the chef when his car burst into flames, and unfortunately that wasn't just a coincidence. In fact, the fire did not start by chance, but was started by an arsonist.

Was the fire aimed at him? To date there is no certainty, but there are several clues that provide a clue to what happened and who helped the officers catch the perpetrator. Poor cook, what a terrible blow he had to suffer. However, things worked out well for him in the end!

Despite everything, lucky

Even though his car was destroyed, The chef is really lucky, because he could have been in the car at the time of the crime. Fortunately, at this moment, Bruno Barbieri he was far away from his car.

The night he received the call from the police informing him of the terrible event, The chef was in Milan. However, his car was in his city, Reggio Emilia.

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A fire aimed at the cook?

Definitely for the chef It wasn't easy to endure the fire in his car And not just because it might have been there at the time of the fire. As if that wasn't enough The burned car was also newgiven that Bruno Barbieri he had recently bought it from a dealer in Mantua.

It was never clear whether the fire was headed toward him. However, there was always suspicion that this was the case as the car was occasionally parked. However, we will probably never know the reality of the facts.

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