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Bryansk region of Russia reports Ukrainian bombing

In Russia, according to the Bryansk region, a village on the border with Ukraine was again bombed from the neighboring country. When the village of Sluchevsk was bombed, one man was injured and two houses caught fire. The announcement was made by the governor of the region, Alexander Bogomas, yesterday on his news channel Telegram.

He accused Ukrainian forces of shooting at the village. The injured resident had to be taken to a hospital. The fires were extinguished.

The village with a total of 150 inhabitants is located about a kilometer from the border with Ukraine. On February 24, Russia launched a war of aggression against neighboring Ukraine and has since repeatedly complained of attacks on its own territory.

In addition to Bryansk, other Russian regions – including Kursk and Belgorod – have repeatedly accused the Ukrainian side of bombing. The Kyiv government generally does not comment on the allegations. Russia has threatened to target command posts in the Ukrainian capital as targets for its rocket attacks if the bombing does not stop.