Burns on the face and chest with flashback 19 year

Burns on the face and chest with flashback: 19 year old serious Milano

A 19-year-old boy suffered serious burns from a “classic” throwback from a barbecue between Paderno Dugnano and Cinisello Balsamo in the Milan area on Sunday around 12.30 p.m. The accident – which was defined as a domestic accident even though it occurred at an auto demolition shop – was apparently caused by a gasoline-fuelled fire.

On site, along the municipal road of Cinisello, two emergency services from the regional emergency call center (Areu) intervened on a red alert. According to the operations center, the 19-year-old suffered severe burns to his face, arms and chest.

Rescuers urgently transported him to the burn center at Niguarda Hospital in Milan. The young man is admitted to hospital with a cautious prognosis. In order to reconstruct the accident in detail, the police were also contacted.