Bush speaks of a brutal and unjustified invasion but confuses

Bush speaks of a “brutal and unjustified invasion,” but confuses Ukraine with Iraq in his speech

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Bush slipped up by criticizing Putin for the war in Ukraine

Former United States President George W. Bush committed a faux pas during a speech on Thursday (19). Criticizing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he became confused and changed the European country’s name to Iraq, which is in the Middle East.

“One man’s decision to launch a totally unwarranted and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean Ukraine,” he said. The audience laughed at the slip and he said it was an “age issue”. “I’m 75,” he said.

Bush intended to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was responsible for invading Ukraine in February this year. However, in committing the faux pas, he betrayed himself. After all, Bush was President of the United States and led an invasion of Iraq in 2003, claiming that the country ruled by dictator Saddam Hussein possessed “weapons of mass destruction,” and the United Nations ( UNO) who authorized the attack.

The war, supported militarily by other countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia, killed thousands of civilians and triggered a process of instability in Iraq.