Busy weekend for the Gendarmerie quotRecord broken with 118 violations

Busy weekend for the Gendarmerie: "Record broken with 118 violations on our roads" Guadeloupe on the 1st Overseas on the 1st

With the long school holidays ahead, one can be concerned about the frequency of off-road behavior on the streets of Guadeloupe. The number of crimes detected by the police remains high from week to week. The penalties are pouring down. But the dead are also piling up.

New record in Guadeloupe: last weekend (Saturday, June 24th and Sunday, June 25th, 2023) 118 violations were detected during the various roadside checks carried out by the gendarmerie forces.

Several checkpoints took place, including one on Saturday night at Le Moule, on the fringes of the West Indies Green Festival.
The results of these measures show that too many users are still lax about the road traffic regulations.

Gendarmerie motorcyclists alone reported 32 cases of alcoholism while driving, 11 cases of driving under narcotics, 1 case of speeding, 8 driving without a license, 18 telephone conversations while driving, 1 refusal to comply and 2 category D weapon arrests (1st shotgun and 1 shotgun). 1 taser lamp).

The activities of other gendarmerie units are not included in these figures.

Last weekend, 50 violations were found.
On June 10 and 11, the gendarmerie imposed a fine on 75 motorists and cyclists.
On June 3rd and 4th, 72 road users were caught at fault.
The weeks follow each other and therefore look the same.

With just days to go before the big school holidays, we bet there is a growing awareness of the dangers of out-of-frame driving.
The aim is to work together to ensure that other dramas do not overshadow this period, when many of us are traversing the archipelago in search of its treasures.

We also deplore the death of a motorist on Saturday at 4:08 p.m. at the roundabout on the Avenue du Général de Gaulle in Gourbeyre. The victim of this two-wheeler accident (apparently alone) is a 60-year-old man, a reserve police officer.
When help arrived on the scene, the unfortunate man was already in cardiac arrest; Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful.

This fact, the circumstances of which have yet to be clarified, increases the number of deaths on the roads of the Guadeloupe archipelago to 25 since January 1, 2023.