California drought Quebec tomatoes are popular

California drought: Quebec tomatoes are popular

The drought sweeping California is threatening canned tomato production, which has prompted many Quebecers to turn to the local market to fill this potential shortage.

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A quarter of the world’s production used for sugar cane products is grown by this major American state. As California has been hit by a historic drought, there could therefore be a shortage of canned tomato products in addition to a price increase.

“It is certain that when California is hit by a drought, many markets like Quebec will be affected. We buy a lot of $2.5 billion to $3 billion worth of fruit and veg in California every year. It’s certain that we’ll feel it a little bit,” said Sylvain Charlebois, scientific director of the Analytical Sciences Laboratory at Dalhousie University.

In Quebec, the tomato harvest was a bit late this year due to periods of frost, but tomato growers had a good harvest season. However, the climate does not allow for large-scale mass production.

“It’s time to buy some to make preserves or sauces. You can keep them all winter and make soups out of them,” says a producer at Jean Talon Market.

According to producer Robert Beauregard, more and more people are opting for homemade sauces, so buying tomatoes locally is becoming an advantage.

“But when it comes to commercial sauces, we don’t really have the climate for it anymore,” he explained.

See all the details in the video above.