1689805591 Camilo and Evaluna debuted Indigo and touched everyone

Camilo and Evaluna debuted Índigo and touched everyone

Camilo and Evaluna were captured with their daughter Índigo

Camilo and Evaluna were captured with their daughter Indigo – Credits: @instagram

A year after the birth of Indigo, Camilo and Evaluna decided to go public and show the baby’s face for the first time. The couple’s daughter was born on April 6, 2022, but the artists had decided by mutual consent Keep his face hidden to protect his identity.

It wasn’t enough just to hide her baby’s face Camilo and Evaluna, Greeicy and Mike Bahía also did it with their little dock, And that list is joined by many celebrities who warn against showing their children publicly — especially on social media — when the little ones want it.

Evaluna and Camilo were fascinating with Índigo

Evaluna and Camilo were captured by Indigo

A video went viral on Tiktok of the couple arriving at DRV PNK Stadium in Miami, where Lionel Messi was due to be welcomed at the club’s presentation event. Over there, Camilo holds little Indigo in his arms and shows his face, without covering it as he often did in front of the cameras. Evaluna didn’t intervene either, instead they both increased their pace.

Comments on social networks were not long in coming. “Beautiful Family”; “Indigo is identical to Evaluna”; “But she is identical to her mama”; “I finally saw the girl, I saw her, she’s super beautiful”; “He looks like Camilo”; “Godd bless you”; “The three are so beautiful”; “What a beautiful baby” and “She is so beautiful” were some of the words from the fans.

In the past few days, Manuela Echeverry, the aunt of Indigo’s minor, shared a video with her Instagram followers in which The baby sings the song that bears his namewhile at the same time urgently calling his father when he sees one of the concert ticket accreditations hanging on a door.“When my goddaughter comes, there will be a party at home”, said the young woman, who is not only a girl’s aunt, but also her godmother.


Camilo and Evaluna Montaner liven up the evening at the presentation of Lionel Messi