1667060490 Caminos del Inca 2022 what is the route of the

Caminos del Inca 2022: what is the route of the Peruvian Rally this Saturday October 29th?

Caminos del Inca 2022 what is the route of the

Inca Trails 2022, the most important Peruvian rally competition, continues. In this note we describe the route that the vehicles and their drivers will follow in the first leg of the fourth stage of the race.

The official start was at 8:00 am. The area is a paved road from the Chuquicahuana Bridge in Quispicanchi, about an hour and a half by bus from the city of Cusco.

The vehicles will climb a slope that will bring them to the Acomayo Province and the Four Lagoons Tour, for which they will travel through the Acopia and Mosocllaqta districts.

To continue the route, the 103 vehicles that continue to compete will arrive in the Exalted Province reed and its Tungasuca, Yanaoca, Count Viluyo, Langui and Layo sectors.

The fourth was expected to end at 10:00 a.m. in the resort of Aguas Calientes, in the province of Canchis. This completes the 162.10 kilometers of the first section of the fourth stage.