Chiara Ferragni was picked up by the microphones afternoon5, Program moderated by Myrta Merlino. The Messenger Michel Dessi (the same one he interviewed Fedez after the message from separation published by Dagospia) managed to intercept the digital entrepreneur a Paris palace, While had lunch along with his sisters and some friends. This is a restaurant often visited by family. The Messenger followed her as she left and spoke to her. «I have nothing to say, can I go to the psychologist in peace? It's a painful moment», replied Chiara, entering a door and thus escaping the cameras.
The young Cremonese, Micro bomber jacket with hood on the headHe had just had a moment of relaxation in familiar company (and they were shown on the show). the “stolen” images) and then continued his afternoon in Milan. Accompanied by a BodyguardChiara was escorted thereEntrance to the psychologist's door and then disappear. All of this comes later the exclusive interview with Corriere in which Chiara had said “The priority is to defend my family. My success was greater than my dreams. Now I feel fragile but find it hard to talk about it.
Last Friday the Canale 5 correspondent conducted an interview Fedez, Chiara's husband. The rapper had refused to make any statements about the relationship crisis and emphasized this His priority is protecting his children: “Does this sound like a game to you?” I don't play with my children's skin: they are the priority of my life. But I won't come and tell you what's happening, I don't care about people's assumptions.
Chiara and Fedez saw each other at the new Citylife home on Sunday evening. Shortly after, she published a few “Stories” on Instagram, in which he reposted two feeds from an account, @newhappyco, in connection with various sensations that can be felt in emotional relationships. “We use art to teach you the science of happiness,” reads the account reposted by Chiara. According to some rumors Fedez would be looking for a new home in Milan.