Can you find the different doves in this picture Online

Can you find the different doves in this picture? Online series

animals quiz

Photo Online Series/Reproduction/Canva

Pigeons are city birds found in squares, parks and other places. Known scientifically as Columba livia, they have had a long association with humans and, although considered pests, deserve attention.

Today’s pigeons are descendants of wild species found in cliff and mountainous regions. With time and habitat loss, they found a new home in the city and adapted to the urban environment.

In ancient times, this species of animal was used to deliver messages due to its incredible ability to return to its place of origin after long journeys. The socalled “carrier pigeons” were used in times of war and played an important role in society.

In addition to their navigational skills, they are also very social and form bonds that last a lifetime. Pigeons are monogamous animals and will stay with their partner to the end.

Their nests are built from materials such as leaves and sticks. A curiosity is that the chicks are nursed on a special milk produced by the parents’ glands, popularly called “pigeon milk”, a trait that makes them unique among other birds.

Find the other pigeon in the picture:

Photo Online Series/Reproduction/Canva

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