1667897088 Can you solve this calculation level 6eme

Can you solve this calculation level 6eme

Can you solve this calculation level 6eme Graphic / Freepik

What is the result of this mathematical sequence? How well do you remember your math class in elementary school? Since this little math challenge was suggested on the internet, only 1 in 30 people could find the solution on their own and quickly. This type of test requires basic mathematical knowledge, but also and above all your ability to analyze and reason, which are always asked and evaluated in IQ tests. This type of test requires more than just advanced math skills. It challenges your ability to see the invisible, to go beyond the obvious, and to make associations that aren’t apparent at first glance. It is precisely these intellectual abilities that will help you find the result. So here’s the challenge: In the image above we see a sequence of 4 digits. By carefully observing, you must guess the fifth place where the question mark is located. These tests can therefore be useful to better understand our personalities and indirectly how people see us and how we relate to them.

A mathematician’s brain: a specific brain?

You may know it, but the ability to understand math is studied by science. Researchers have actually wondered if math teachers and computational geniuses could be born with a biological advantage? To explore this possibility, one study sought to determine whether a person’s math skills are linked to levels of two key neurotransmitters involved in learning. Cognitive neuroscientists at the University of Oxford in the UK looked at levels of GABA and glutamate in the brain to see if these neurotransmitters could predict future math skills. GABA and glutamate are two natural amino acids that play complementary roles: the first inhibits or reduces the activity of neurons or nerve cells in the brain, while the second makes them more active. Your values ​​fluctuate throughout life. This combination made the experiment really interesting, as it allowed the scientists to see how GABA and glutamate are involved in a complex cognitive skill that, like math skills, takes years to mature. Not only did the researchers find a link, but they also found that levels of these neurotransmitters change as children grow into adults. This research was published in the journal PLOS Biology.

Easy, isn’t it?

Come on, it’s up to you! Concentrate and try to challenge your friends or colleagues with the riddle of these numbers that seem incomprehensible to you. We warn you: Few people are capable of solving this riddle, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t solve it. We’ve also attached the solution, but don’t cheat, only read it after you’ve tried to answer! What’s the answer : As you can see from the image attached at the top of the page, today’s challenges involve a series of numbers that at first glance seem very simple. Obviously, the logic is in the minds of the creators of the puzzle, and it’s really up to you to figure it out!

did you calculate What result did you find?

The correct answer is 50! Only 1 out of 30 people could find the solution 7+(7/7)+(7×7)-7.

Results ? 50!

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