1647726359 Canadian UN mission corrects letter sent by Russian colleague

Canadian UN mission “corrects” letter sent by Russian colleague

The Canadian mission to the UN found a new way to refute Russian disinformation – it sarcastically “corrected” and annotated the letter of the country’s ambassador, and then posted it on social networks just in case.

In a tweet that went viral on Thursday, Canadians added a few remarks to a March 16 letter from Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya, who sought support for a Russian draft resolution to provide protection and assistance to civilians caught in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Thank you @RussiaUN,” began tweet. “Please see our proposed changes below.”

In the first sentence, in which Russia refers to the “terrible humanitarian crisis” in Ukraine, the Canadian mission adds in red ink: “which we have caused as a result of our illegal war of aggression.”

In the next paragraph, in which the Russians ask all parties to the conflict to comply with humanitarian considerations, the Canadians make a comment in red: “Yes. But you attack civilians, bomb schools and hospitals and rob aid. What makes us think that you don’t really believe it? Please explain.”

The Canadian Mission to the UN edited Russia's letter to the UN.
The Canadian Mission to the UN edited Russia’s letter to the UN. Twitter/@CanadaUN

The Canadian Mission to the UN edited Russia's letter to the UN.
The Canadian Mission to the UN edited Russia’s letter to the UN. Twitter/@CanadaUN

1647726359 689 Canadian UN mission corrects letter sent by Russian colleague
The Canadian Mission to the UN edited Russia’s letter to the UN. Twitter/@CanadaUN

Russia continued its attacks on Ukraine on March 19, 2022.Russia continued its attacks on Ukraine on March 19, 2022.

On the last page, Canada offered an alternative ending to the letter: “We want you to know how little we care about the human life we ​​have destroyed.”

The Russian delegation accuses its colleagues of “kindergarten slander”.