Cans without tabs The trick for opening without a can

Cans without tabs: The trick for opening without a can opener I This can be done in no time La Terra del Gusto

Opening cans without tabsCans of La Terra Del Gusto

Cans without tabs, you can open them at any time without having to use the classic can opener. The foolproof trick.

You’re ready to really relax in front of the TV. You prepare a nice basket with your favorite chips and head out in the refrigerator to take you your tin can. Choose your drink carefully and you will already enjoy it its freshness in the throat. Sit down. Your heart series begins. Or even your favorite team is about to conquer the field.

You sit comfortably and cover yourself with a plaid. The pillow is fixed. The tray is placed on the table next to you with food and drink. You start eating some chips. They are good, actually very good. And they’re crispy too. One thing leads to another. You are happy and smiling. You relax and You are at peace.

You get thirsty and so, without ever taking your eyes off the screen, Get your can. You touch it and feel a thrill of healthy joy: it is still fresh, but not very cold. In summary, has reached the ideal temperature Enjoy to the fullest in small and at the same time special sips. You’re about to open it and zap it! The tab stayed in your hand and it stayed closed. How angry, right?

Cans, how to open them without a can opener

Now You can’t drink it. You have to get up from your seat, which, let’s face it, you were okay with go to the kitchen. Stop watching when and where possible, e.g Go looking for the lovely can opener. Open the closet with a confident gesture. We know you’re annoyed, but very annoyed They will resolve the matter soon and You will watch your beloved TV again.

You roll your eyes: The place of the famous can opener is empty. Where did it go? They open every door and check the sink. Nothing, There is no trace of him. And then you remember: You lent it to your neighbor the other night. It’s a shame he spent a few days relaxing with his girlfriend. So how can you solve this problem? With a clever trick What do we tell you!

Opening cans without tabsCans of La Terra Del Gusto

The clever trick

In short, you just have to take it a nice spoon and thus get a certain amount of practice Pressure on the edges the can itself. Keep rubbing especially on the side where you would normally place it tin opener That you’ve never missed him so much, notice that Some kind of opening begins to appearTo.

Maybe at first it seems like an innocent little hole, but then it gets bigger and once it’s wide enoughYou can pour the contents into a cup or glass particularly capable. When implementing this trick, be sure not to overdo it by going all out You could risk cutting yourself.

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