Cantalamessa, CHARIS: Your mission is to live as true Christians News from the Vatican German

Before the Pope’s address to the participants of the meeting sponsored by CHARIS, Cardinal Cantalamessa reflected at length and at length on the verse of the Prophet Isaiah: “You no longer remember the events of the past” (Isa 43:18). With this choice I wanted to highlight the widespread need felt by Catholic Charismatic Renewal (RCC) to return to its origins to “rekindle the flame.”

Vatican News

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, theologian and official preacher of the Pontifical Household, delivered a homily to the participants of Charis (International Service of Catholic Charismatic Renewal), which held its General Assembly this Saturday 4 in the Paul VI Hall. conclude Vatican, whose theme was: “Called, transformed and sent”.

Cardinal Cantalamessa gave a detailed and long reflection to the many participants of the Charis on the verse of the prophet Isaiah: “You no longer remember the events of the past” (Isa 43:18). With this choice I wanted to highlight the widespread need felt by Catholic Charismatic Renewal (RCC) to return to its origins to “rekindle the flame.”

But here the preacher recalled another prophetic word that resonated with him and led to an opposite movement: “Look not back, but forward.” In this way, he no longer felt the need to emphasize the desire of the past or the old to think, but to do something new that germinates in the hearts of the members of the Charismatic Renewal.

However, the Cardinal thought it best to follow this suggestion: “The Holy Spirit asks you to be aware of what he has done again since the birth of the Charismatic Renewal Movement (RCC) and what he continues to do in his 56 years does.” Existence. Life”. In this sense, he focused more on what is happening now, in the presence of the movement, which perhaps no one notices. What is new is that the RCC movement is no longer tolerated as in the past and is gradually being tolerated by is recognized, praised and promoted by the Catholic Church.

According to Pope Francis, the RCC is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the entire Church, but especially to its members, we members of the Charismatic Renewal. In other words, what does the Holy Father expect from the RCC and its International Service or Charis? He never stops repeating essentially three things: “Contribute to the Church’s evangelization efforts,” “Commit to the poor and needy,” and “Work for Christian unity.”

Contribute to the church’s evangelization efforts

The preacher of the Pontifical Household then explained each of these three commitments, beginning with the question: “What should be your concrete contribution to evangelization?” And he answered with the programmatic words of Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry: “The Spirit of the Lord rests on me . “He anointed me and sent me to proclaim the good news to the poor, that is, to evangelize the poor” (Luke 4:18). This is the absolute primacy of the Holy Spirit and His breath to proclaim the Gospel.

But there is a more specific way in which the Charismatic Renewal can contribute to evangelization: its “personal relationship with Christ.” Their mission is to live as true Christians, in community or pastoral care, starting from the encounter with Christ. Here is the need to entrust evangelization to lay people, men and women who knew the living Jesus. That’s why they really want to share this discovery with their brothers.

Get involved with the poor and needy

This is the second aspect that the Pope recommends for the charismatic renewal: the commitment to the poor, which is an integral part of the Church’s mission and activity. Here the preacher cited the example of evangelical action of a great prophetic character, Dom Hélder Câmara, which still resonates in the teachings and gestures of Pope Francis. In this context, the preacher recalled Dom Hélder’s appeal to the RCC: “Pay more attention to the poor and the charity sector” and that of Cardinal Suenens: “The RCC is a chain of grace.”

Pope Francis always points out the many forms of poverty that exist in the world and that are still ignored or little known: the physical and spiritual works of mercy on behalf of the poor, those in prison, the needy, the sick, through visits , prayers and accompaniment.

We work for Christian unity

“Christian unity” is the third point that the Pope recommends to members of the RCC and which is part of the original DNA of the Charis International Service: the “spiritual ecumenism” that the Holy Spirit instills.

Finally, Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa reminds the members of the RCC: The fragility of our evangelization and our action in the world is due to the division of Christians. We cannot despise or ignore that the fundamental unity is calling on the same God and Lord Jesus. St. John Paul II said: “What unites us is infinitely more important than what divides us.”