Capricorn Horoscope 2024: Those born in December and January face a year of big changes – Marie France

The year 2024 is not far away and as we look at the stars we can see how it is shaping up for those born under the sign of Capricorn. Will it be a good time or not so much? Everything you need to know to get off to a good start can be found in this horoscope!

Astro: What will 2024 look like for the Capricorn zodiac sign?

The sign Capricorn is characterized by its persistence and determination. Its astrological element, Earth, makes it one of the most realistic and ambitious signs of the zodiac. When it comes to setting goals and achieving them, he is the undisputed king. What does 2024 have in store for these success-hungry locals?

Capricorn Horoscope 2024: This is what your year will look like in terms of money and career

We have already mentioned the ambitious and strongly career-oriented character that belonging to your zodiac sign gives you. Therefore, it seems logical to discuss this topic in a horoscope first! The past year has been full of challenges and changes due to the planetary movements that have impacted you. In 2024, it will be more about identifying opportunities at the right time.

The year 2024 will initially be characterized by the need to turn to new professional horizons. From May 25th, the planet Jupiter changes its constellation and moves into Gemini. This means that your work and your routine are highlighted and an irrepressible dynamic is created within you.

Your professional life will become more important in 2024

Of particular note are two moments in 2024 that will prove to be financially and professionally significant for your zodiac sign. All year long, Pluto moves back and forth between your constellation and Aquarius through its retrogrades.

This means that a transformation in the area of ​​money is taking shape for you. The solar eclipse that will occur in October 2024 on the Aries-Libra axis, the career axis in your birth chart, will bring the necessary adjustments in this area. New opportunities may also present themselves to you and you need to be vigilant so that they don’t slip away.

How will Capricorn fare in love in 2024?

On a sentimental level, you should consider a specific date as it can cause major emotional upheavals. It’s Uranus and Jupiter uniting on May 25th in the sign of Taurus and your astrozone of passion, creativity and fertility. This period will begin to bring changes in your relationships, but it will not be until June and July that Venus in your zone of love and partnerships will take a more serious turn towards a relationship in your life. A greater commitment to a new stability is emerging.

What are Capricorn’s health prospects for the coming year?

At the end of May 2024, the planet Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini and your astro-health zone. This could make you prone to all kinds of excesses. You must show moderation and not overload yourself with work, pursuits, leisure activities and even food or entertainment. Balance will be crucial in the coming year to bring body and soul into harmony. Remember that you have plenty of energy and productivity, but you shouldn’t use it so much that you get sick.

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The year 2024 will be a year of transformation for the sign Capricorn

The premise of your 2024 will be to see change as necessary and inevitable. As Pluto comes and goes, you may need an extra dose of flexibility and imagination to turn events in your life into opportunities. This year final adjustments will be made to an event that began in 2008 and a cycle will be closed. It will be important to greet 2024 with the strength to accept new things with good will.