Caressa admits: “Shot in the can, they put us in the car.” I’m angry’

On the YouTube channel Cronache di Spogliatoio, Fabio Caressa told a backstory about an experience from the past.

Giuseppe Biscotti30. September 2023 11:20 p.m

On the YouTube channel Cronache di Spogliatoio: Fabio Caressa revealed an incident while filming a documentary Afghanistan: “In Herat we had to go around the city. In theory it should have been quiet, but in reality it wasn’t. The secret services had told us that the situation was a bit at your own risk because we had been reported. We walked recklessly together with our friend Bonprezi, but at some point they shouted when we were in the mosque. They had seen strange movements and took us away and put us in the car.

“We returned at a speed of 110 per hour with the bullet in the car. Towards the base that was attacked two months later. You don’t fully realize the extent of the danger because they’re very good at reassuring you, but when you see the colonel who turns his head and tells you, “Watch out for that car,” and then you hear the clatter of the guns in the car, you understand that the situation is under control… but also not. “I peed my pants,” continued the Sky Sport commentator.

Then Caressa’s backstory about her youth: “As a kid, I was a bit of a loser, a bit of a nerd. I did very well in school, I had a passion for some things that some of my classmates didn’t particularly follow, such as science fiction. The 1990s and 1970s were years of science fiction, they were something of a precursor to many things. I read and watched a lot of science fiction, I studied and played Subbuteo. That was basically what I did.”