Carla Glori Leonardos Mona Lisa is Bianca Giovanna Sforza and

Carla Glori: “Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is Bianca Giovanna Sforza and in the background Bobbio”

Carla Glori and the Mona Lisa Carla Glori and the Mona Lisa

“I am sure what we commonly call the Mona Lisa or Gioconda was Bianca Giovanna Sforza, eldest daughter of Ludovico il Moro and wife of Galeazzo Sanseverino, who was a great friend and patron of Leonardo da Vinci. And those in the background are the Bobbio hills in the Piacenza area, which can be seen from the Malaspina Dal Verme Castle. The date of realization? 1496, shortly before Bianca’s death ». This is the thesis of Carla Glori, a retired independent researcher from Savona who has been supporting this “discovery” since 2011. She has been studying Leonardo da Vinci for thirty years, “a life” she says with a smile, and in recent days she has reissued her hypothesis (which, however, if he claims and tells that he has reconstructed it, would be much more , editor’s note). A recent discovery in the field of paleontology by a group of scientists led by Andrea Baucon of the University of Genoa and Gerolamo Lo Russo of the Natural History Museum of Piacenza would confirm that the ichnofossils mentioned by Leonardo da Vinci in the Leicester Codex are those that can be found in in the Pierfrancesco di Gropparello area, very close to Bobbio. “Fossils practically unique in Italy, also given the presence of the tectonic window in this area, another rarity. This would confirm that Leonardo was in these places, but obviously there is not only that ».

Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa. Character and work that have always nurtured mysteries and legends. They come to solve the “mystery of the Mona Lisa” very precisely. He started from a different point of view, he first wanted to explain what is behind the female character, to which he then “hangs” everything else.
«My dissertation was born in 2011 and I think it is one of the most accurate for documentation, study and research. It has also been very attacked, but recently this study on iconfossils and Leonardo, published in Rips, the most important Italian journal of paleontology in the academic field, gave, in my opinion, a very remarkable point in my favor ».

Why do you think the one in the background is Bobbio?
«I found 13 similarities between the actual landscape and that depicted in the painting. A very important element is the Ponte Gobbo, but there are 9 elements that I think are stronger. The view is from Malaspina Dal Verme castle. Over time, other hypotheses have been put forward about this bridge, someone has often spoken about the Buriano Bridge in Arezzo, but the structural features leave little doubt in my opinion. Looking in that direction today, a large plant obscures the view somewhat, but in reality there is not much difference. The castles of Piacenza have strong mystical and esoteric components and this is also a strong reference to the theories about Leonardo ».

What connections did Leonardo have to this area?
«Sanseverino was Marquis of Bobbio, but above all he was commander of the army and defender of these lands. His relationship with Leonardo is well known. In Bobbio there was the Sforza Library and Leonardo was attracted to it. Let’s assume that besides the novelty of the fossils, there are many historical and artistic points that support this theory. Hidden and mysterious parts in the lives of many protagonists of these events are elements that feed many stories. The court has always been a difficult environment full of pitfalls».

One of the images elaborated by Carla Glori One of the images elaborated by Carla Glori

He also talks about artistic documents.
«I recently published an article on the wall drawings of the Castle of Malaspina Dal Verme dedicated to Jouster Galeazzo Sanseverino. Among the personalities who passed there, only he could be a juggler. Leonardo often accompanied him and possibly oversaw the implementation of the project. But there is more “.

Why is?
«When the international scientist Pascal Cotte was able to carry out studies on the Mona Lisa with new analysis tools in 2014, he discovered something using the light rays that I had already suspected: under the female figure there was another younger figure. I’ve always thought that what we’re seeing isn’t the real face of Bianca Giovanna Sforza, but a modified, aged face. This is probably because the painting must have been a gift from Leonardo, perhaps a wedding present, and as things deteriorated for the young woman and the Moor it became difficult for him to focus on this character. It’s like someone was found today with the photo of Putin’s wife and daughter. At this point, Leonardo decided to intervene to change the facial features ».

This would explain why the character is considered so enigmatic. Do you think your strength lies in having a thesis with a number of elements at 360 degrees?
«The iconfossils are an eight-hour walk from Bobbio, considering that Leonardo used to travel on a mule, the time was even shorter, and in any case the presence in this area is widespread. For me, it’s important to nail it down at this point, and everything else comes automatically. Obviously everything would have been easier if he had disseminated and narrated his movements in documents, but he was indeed an elusive figure and for some more important things his location is certain. The historical and artistic elements, as I told you, are confirmed by many parts. I think he behaved this way because he lived in times and places with so much intrigue and conflict, which is why he also used certain writing codes to decipher them ».

When was your passion for Leonardo born?
«I don’t have an art historical background, but a philosophical and philological background. However, I am engaged in literature and cryptography and have been studying Leonardo and his legacy for more than thirty years. His female characters in particular have always fascinated me because he actually chose to portray women in a certain way ».

Do you think he’ll ever manage to have the “official” of his discovery?
“My hope is to be successful before I die (laughs, editor’s note). Joking aside, it wasn’t easy for me to emphasize this hypothesis at first, but things got easier over time. Also because when a research has solid foundations, this happens, it feeds on itself and the other elements automatically adapt to the others ».

What was Dan Brown thinking when he wrote The Da Vinci Code?
“Leonardo certainly offers ideas for the development of theses and hypotheses. It remains an elusive figure. I’ve seen the movie and haven’t read the novel, but I have to say that this whole esoteric theory about his character and his work struck me as over the top and a bit off topic. Coming back to the previous question, I believe that my entire study just needs further confirmation ».

“A large research institute or institution would have to decide to do research in the area, perhaps using drones, to scientifically compare my findings and what we see in the Mona Lisa. It is normal for some distances to be slightly different, but I believe that with this research I could get the last and definitive piece ».

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April 27, 2022 (change April 27, 2022 | 18:11)