Carlo Calenda destroys Renzi by Fiorello quotIts gotten worsequot

Carlo Calenda destroys Renzi by Fiorello: "It’s gotten worse"

one likes Karl Calenda, you have to acknowledge it, he often says what he thinks. Without too many filters, a rather unusual circumstance for a politician. And his “open speaking” surfaced in an overbearing, sometimes unsettling way during Viva Rai 2 out, the cult program hosted by Fiorello.

The leader of the action, the cornerstone of the so-called Third Pole, reiterates that he has by no means disdained weed: “I made a lot of weed as a young man”, confirming what he had already revealed in the past. And at this point Fiorello replied with a poignant joke: “It was during this period that he decided to merge with him Matthew Renzi…”. Laughter of the two.

Therefore, in response to the showman, Calenda asserts: “Oh yes, but that was harder. The drugs later…”. But it’s not over yet. Carlo Calenda, speaking of himself, adds: “I know everything and am vain? I always console myself with thinking that Renzi is in worse shape“. And who knows what the former prime minister thinks.

Also read: Calenda vs. Linke: “Uterus for rent? Aberrant, absurd to repeat it”

Finally, a series of political judgments about his colleagues: “Giorgia Meloni? Sdrumata, she’s tired, poor thing. Joseph Conte? ‘Ndo cojo cojo. Matthew Salvini? A barefoot dog. Silvio Berlusconi? Marpio. Elly Schlein? N’accollo, It’s very boring”. In short, a good word for everyone. And again to himself: “I smoke when the clutch kicks in …”, concludes Carlo Calenda.