1651250710 Carlo Verdone Living Amid Drugs Thats the problem he has

Carlo Verdone, Living Amid Drugs: That’s the problem he has

Carlo Verdone and drugs. Here’s the revelation from the famous Roman actor. His words describe a side of him that we didn’t know

Last February 25 we saw Carlo Verdone in cinemas all over Italy in one new comedy. In this case, the actor played Professor Umberto Gastaldi, a man who more than once uttered some purely medical phrases. One of them was Carlo Verdone himself, who wanted to include it as a draw Passion for the world of medicine.

Carlo Verdone on drugs

A passion that Carlo Verdone has nurtured since childhood, a time when there were comings and goings in his house cultured people. The afternoon was dedicated to the cinema since the father was always in Mario’s company. A Movie review. Instead, the evening was dedicated to the luminaries of the time medicine and to the big ones Musician.

And it is precisely from the most important Italian doctors that Carlo Verdone assimilated themlove for this job. Thus, from a young age, Carlo was surrounded by doctors who spoke about pathologies, a subject that he held in high esteem. He was always exposed to a variety of medications, as was his mother Room full of drugs take. Especially in the neurological field.

Carlo Verdone, the admission of his problem and his drugs

Carlo Verdone on drugs

Among the many boxes was also one medicine A capsule to fall asleep, which Carlo also wanted to try, but got one unwanted effect. At the age of 18, Verdone tries to get even closer to medicine and starts buying some Files from the Curcio medical encyclopedia. Carlo learned a lot on these pages, because here the human body and each pathology was explained very well.

Gradually, the actor’s collection grew more and more until he was able to make a real one medical culture. He even thought about getting one Second degree medicine, even if he later realized that this job wasn’t for him. Being too impressed with the blood.

Despite this, Carlo continues to drive his passion forward study autodidactically every evening and took all the information from him Proceedings of the conferences in which the protagonists are his medical friends. Carlo Verdone therefore never goes without all the necessary medication, including this one against insomnia which he always carries with him whenever he does it away from home.

He also travels with a pocket in which there are medicines for cupololithiasis, pressure tablets to be taken in the morning, blockers in the evening along with an antibiotic for diverticulitis. There’s also a not-too-heavy anxiolytic and the inevitable glycerin suppositories. And that’s exactly what Carlo Verdone tells you about this bag very special anecdotesomething that happened at London airport.

A normal check has become a real one tragedy like I found one white powder in the case. It was nothing more than a box Magnesia San Pellegrino, broken and scattered everywhere. Although the actor tried to get the cops to understand it was one harmless medicine, Carlo was taken to a room where he had to wait for the results of the analysis of this powder. And only when the misunderstanding is cleared up, take the plane back to Rome.

This is a very particular aspect of Carlo Verdone that we read on oksalute, a knowledge for medicine that has existed on many occasions also a great help to others. In the continuation of this interview, we read about the time when, on a train home, the loudspeaker announced that one was urgently needed physician. And so, without thinking, Carlo Verdone gets up to run to the patient.

The latter immediately recognizes the face of theactor. Despite this, he confided in Carlo, who began the performance first checksto make sure it wasn’t a heart attack. Eventually Carlo was able to make the diagnosis. A violent one panic attack.

And so they came in handy anxiolytics which he always carried with him. In any case, he advised against it consult your doctorbefore hiring others.