Carreta Hurricane opens selection process for new member Portal do

Carreta Hurricane opens selection process for new member Portal do Holanda

The animator group Carreta Furacão will open a selection process to choose a new member.

The requirements have not yet been announced, but according to the group, the candidate must be able to master choreography from the 1990s, especially pagoda and funk.

Carreta Furacão is an internet phenomenon and has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram alone. On Tik Tok, some posts surpass 100,000 views.


2018 destaques 80 66

Portal do Holanda was founded on November 14, 2005. First with a column that bore the name of its founder, the journalist Raimundo de Holanda. Then he moved to Blog do Holanda and finally to Portal do Holanda. It was one of the first websites in the state of Amazonas. It is audited by IVC and ComScore.