1696313425 Carrillo or Lapadula Juan Reynoso announced that one of the

Carrillo or Lapadula? Juan Reynoso announced that one of the two footballers will play against Chile and Argentina

Carrillo or Lapadula Juan Reynoso announced that one of the

This Monday, October 2, the coach of the Peruvian team announced the list of those called up League 1 for the double date of the 2026 South American qualifiers against Chile and Argentina. Although players from abroad do not appear on this list, the national strategist was encouraged to talk about the footballers who could be there, especially those who are injured and could be included in the list, such as in the case of André Carrillo and Gianluca Lapadula.

Juan Reynoso surprised by pointing out that the “Snake” Carrillo He will be at the double date in October despite suffering an injury and undergoing surgery a few weeks ago. Although his call-up for the games against La Roja and Albiceleste was ruled out, “Cabezón” confirmed that they will sign the 32-year-old attacker.

“With André’s problem, we are surprised, as is always the case with us, by his recovery. There is always an estimate as to his return, and he always expects it, and that is what happens. He has already started training almost normally. Most likely.”, he will be with us next week. We are very happy that he will make it to the first and most likely the second game, yes or yes, 100%. André is one of the first to want to be there and one of the ones to make it. “I had the most trouble from the last party,” he explained.

Will Gianluca Lapadula be called up to the Peru national team?

A slightly different situation is with Gianluca Lapadula. The technician Juan Reynoso He said that the development of “Lapagol” in his recovery surprised them and although the player expected to play a few minutes in this double date, they preferred to save the game for the month of November against Bolivia and Venezuela.

“Gianluca’s development was surprising. It was always predicted that he would be there on the November date. There was speculation that he would miss these first three double dates, but from the videos and what I spoke to him he even had hope of that. “But we don’t want to embarrass him and the club is with this decision agreed. He will be available with his team in the penultimate or last week of October,” he said.

When does Peru vs. play? Chili?

The match Peru vs Chile The third date of qualifying for 2026 is scheduled for Thursday, October 12, at 7:00 p.m. (Peruvian time) at the Monumental Stadium in Chile.

When does Peru vs. play? Argentina?

The match against the Albiceleste of Lionel Messi and Co. will take place next Tuesday, October 17, on the fourth day of the Conmebol qualification for the 2026 World Cup at 9:00 p.m. (Peruvian time) and 11:00 p.m. (Argentine time) carried out).