Cartabianca Orsini freezes the studio quotWeapons for the PalestiniansquotBocchino blurts

Cartabianca, Orsini freezes the studio: "Weapons for the Palestinians…"Bocchino blurts out time

High-voltage call-and-response conversation between Italo Bocchino and Alessandro Orsini during the final episode of Cartabianca. As soon as he enters the studio, the director of Il Secolo d’Italia, guest of Bianca Berlinguer, is immediately asked about Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine: “Putin cannot win the war. When there is an attacked person and an attacker, there is only one rule: stand by the attacked person and enable the attacked person by providing them with weapons to at least have an equal footing and a truce close. . Immediate objection from Orsini, who had supported Putin’s renewed strength after Prigozhin’s attempted coup a few minutes earlier: “But let’s not tell Israel, otherwise he will think that Italy is sending arms to the Palestinians.” Silence reigns in the studio while the professor of political science has a mocking smile on his lips.

Also Read: Russia Crisis, Alessandro Orsini Triggers Nuclear Alert and Attacks EU Ruling Class

The moderator takes the floor again: “That’s the objection, eh!”, and Bocchino immediately concludes: “No, no, look… I won’t take it up, thanks.” Orsini then ensures that the argument resumes : “Let’s not say that the Israeli ambassador in Rome might then worry that the Meloni government is sending weapons to the Palestinians, who are the ones attacked, the massacres.” But the director of Il Secolo d’Italia reacts immediately: “Professor, as a student, I would like to say that there is a slight difference.” Israel does not appear overnight like a mushroom. The United Nations wanted him to be born on this territory, in this state. And that is why their existence is legitimate. There is no legitimacy…” “In the massacre of the Palestinians,” insists the professor, but Bocchino fails to understand the provocation: “There is no international legitimacy – international law – for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

Also read: Cartabianca and Orsini oust Berlinguer: “Putin made a test”

Is everything over? Not at all. “Israel is also occupying the Palestinian territory illegally – on the basis of the UN resolution and thus international law.” Italo Bocchino intervenes at this point “after he was attacked”. But Orsini is now a river in full swing: “I want to reassure you because maybe there is a diplomatic crisis. The Israeli government can rest easy and continue to use its powers and massacre the Palestinians because the Italian government will not send weapons,” he concludes with a smile towards the camera while Bocchino remains elegantly with his arms crossed.