Castillo has been a victim of discrimination in Peru says

Castillo has been a victim of discrimination in Peru, says López Obrador • Workers

Former President of Peru Pedro Castillo has been a victim of harassment and discrimination in Peru, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said today at his morning press conference.

Castillo has been a victim of discrimination in Peru says

We are very sorry for what happened because he was also the victim of a confrontation because his opponents, especially the oligarchic elites, did not accept that a man from the mountains should rule the country, something we suffered in Mexico with Benito Juárez have, he recalled.

Referring to the Pacific Alliance, whose provisional presidency Castillo should have received, he said that because everything is very new, we have to wait and stick to the principles of international politics.

He reiterated that there really are no conditions for handing over leadership of the Alliance to Peru, and we regret that. Now Foreign Relations has to decide and consult with the other members, Colombia and Chile, what will be done, whether we keep it or give it to another country to see what happens next.

We will wait a few days, it is the most appropriate, it is not our intention to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, but there is no doubt that we are very sorry because the Peruvian people are suffering.

He reiterated that Castillo was always harassed, they weakened him until they managed to remove him. There is a lot of instability in Peru: five presidents in six years and the relationship with the Fujimori clan, Vargas Llosa and economic power groups.

I imagine, he reflected, they already had everything set up to depose him, imagine what argument, moral incompetence to depose him, and I think when he thinks they will depose him, he has the Decision made to dissolve Congress and that is what justified the action and gave them their preferred argument for it.

Castillo left the office and told us he was going to the embassy, ​​we said yes, but they had already taken his phone and found out that Mexico had the door, which according to our tradition Marcelo Ebrad had told the ambassador of the asylum, the revealed President.

But shortly after they took over the message with police and citizens, and when Castillo left, they arrested him immediately and we asked them to respect his human rights, act with real legality and protect his family.

He described these events in Peru as a soft coup, since it is no longer about the military intervention of the past, but about the control of the information media managed by the oligarchs in order to undermine legitimately established authorities, all the more so when it comes to humble leaders emerged from the people and do not belong to the elite.

In this sense he cited the cases of Brazil with Dilma Rousseft and Lula and Cristina Fernández in Argentina.

He said that they cannot and cannot do this in Mexico because the people are very informed, very awake and aware, so I say that it is one of the most politicized in the world because of the revolution of conscience has delivered results.

(Taken from Latin Press)