1702577674 Catherine Brunet reveals some details about her new lover –

Catherine Brunet reveals some details about her new lover – 7 Days

The year that is coming to an end will have been busy for Catherine Brunet, both on a professional level, with roles in series such as Surprising Detective: The Girl with the Stone Eyes And In memory, only on a personal level, when she experienced the separation from her partner of the last eight years, the actor Antoine Pilon. As 2024 approaches, the young woman is looking ahead with great projects and a new lover who has been sharing her life for several months.

• Also read: Catherine Brunet in a relationship with this actor

“I'm in a relationship with an actor called Émile Ouellette, he's in the same agency as me and, among other things, he took part in the play Le fils at the Théâtre du Rideau Vert. He also stars in the series Witches. I wasn't single for long and it wasn't planned. We met a few months ago on the set of the film “Anna Kiri Superstar” and we just clicked. But seriously, I had no plans to get into a relationship… I saw myself as single for a while and ultimately no! But I don't think you can imagine falling in love. However, I am not someone who is afraid of being alone in life,” Catherine told us in an interview with our journalist.

Catherine Brunet reveals some details about her new lover –

Bruno Petrozza / TVA Publication

• Also read: Catherine Brunet talks about her relationship with her ex Antoine Pilon

Regarding her breakup with Antoine Pilon, the actress who stars in Surprising detective had this to say:

“Antoine and I have experienced so much together! Of course we needed a buffer period to learn not to be a couple anymore, but it's okay now. I even “grilled” it on the Jeannot BBQ show recently and it was a lot of fun. Things are going really well, he recently met Émile. We had many conversations before, during and after our breakup, Antoine and I, and we both wanted to make things right and remain friends. This needs to be worked on. I have great respect for him and he remains an important person in my life. Even if our paths are different.”

Read the full interview with Catherine Brunet in the latest issue of the magazine 7 daysnow at the kiosk or online.

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