1705454185 Caught stealing clothes from luxury stores MP resigns I39m stressed

Caught stealing clothes from luxury stores, MP resigns: I'm stressed by work

New Zealand MP Golriz Ghahraman publicly defended herself after being caught stealing clothes from luxury stores. “My mental health is being severely affected by the stress related to my work,” he said and resigned from all public positions.

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Caught stealing clothes from luxury stores MP resigns I39m stressed

“It is clear that my mental health is being severely affected by the stress associated with my work,” he said New Zealand MP Golriz Ghahraman She publicly justified herself after she had been Caught stealing clothes in luxury stores in Auckland. A scandal that forced her to immediately resign from parliament after the police confirmed that they were investigating the allegations against her.

According to the indictment, the now former Green MP stole at least three times in two clothing stores over the Christmas holidays: one in Auckland and the other in Wellington. However, the woman was caught in the act by the store's surveillance cameras and reported, but then the reports were withdrawn and the 42-year-old was not charged with a crime.

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Ghahraman thanked the boutiques “for their kindness and empathy” and then announced her resignation on Tuesday with the approval of her party colleagues, who, however, supported her in any further involvement in politics. “It is not a behavior that I can explain the cause of it is not rational in any way and after the medical examination, I understand that I am not feeling well,” said the politician, announcing her resignation and adding that she did not want to make excuses.

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“The psychologist I am seeing says that my recent behavior is consistent with recent events that have given rise to… Response to extreme stress and they relate to a previously unrecognized trauma,” Golriz Ghahraman further explained, adding, “I realize that my mental health is being seriously affected by the stress associated with my work.” This caused me to suffer in a completely unusual way acted. I'm not trying to justify my actions, but I want to explain them. People rightly expect the highest standards of behavior from their elected representatives. I wasn't up to speed. I'm sorry“.

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“It is clear to us that Ms. Ghahraman he is in a state of extreme distress. She took responsibility and apologized. “We deeply regret that Ms Ghahraman has to leave under these circumstances and wish her all the best for the future,” said the two Green Party leaders, recalling the great work she has done in Parliament.

Colleagues emphasized that from the moment Ghahraman entered Parliament, She was subjected to constant verbal abuse, including threats of sexual and physical violence and death threats. In 2019, Ghahraman was even assigned an escort after a series of death threats. “When you live with that level of threat in what is already a pretty stressful situation, there are going to be consequences,” he explained.

The former United Nations human rights lawyer made national history in 2017 by becoming New Zealand's first refugee elected to parliament after fleeing Iran following the Iran-Iraq war. Before entering politics, Ghahraman worked as a criminal defense lawyer and human rights lawyer, also for the UN tribunals in Rwanda, Cambodia and The Hague. In 2020, she revealed that she suffers from multiple sclerosis, which she was diagnosed with during her time as an MP.