Celebrity double standard for superstar Kanye West must end: MAGHAN MACCINE

In the world of pop culture, Kardashian are the undefeated queens.

They are the first family of reality television and for the last 15 years have ruled over everyone else in their space.

For better or worse, they are media and marketing geniuses who have set themselves the mission of their lives to include us in every iota of their lives.

Events as small as Kim North’s daughter buying a hamster and big ones like arrests, marriages, divorces and births were broadcast so the world could witness.

Recently finished with E! show and have switched to Hulu with what appears to be essentially the same show, only in a different streaming service.

I met Kim several times and true to her reputation, she is the perfect professional and incredibly nice and friendly.

Even behind the scenes and at industry events, she will take every selfie and take part in every conversation.

Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for most of the mega-celebrities I’ve met while working in the media.

I don’t like what the Kardashians have done to young women.

The frankly oversexual images they release keep much of the toxic focus of the media on mostly naked women’s bodies and away from their minds and feminist empowerment.

However, I can’t feel Kardashian too much because they deliver a product that America is more than eager to tune in to watch.

Kanye West's recent music video (featured in the scene above) features Kanye kidnapping Pete Davidson and burying him alive.

Kanye West’s recent music video (featured in the scene above) features Kanye kidnapping Pete Davidson and burying him alive.

Whatever they have, Americans consume it as junk food, in a seemingly endless binge.

I, like millions of others, kept up with their lives, but I was more and more disturbed by the increasingly gloomy and unforgiving behavior of Kim’s ex-husband, megaraper Kanye West.

It is more than likely that many of you know their story.

They got married, had four children, and somewhere along the way Kanye began to behave more and more misbehavior in public.

Kanye has done everything from pretending to run for president to publicly falling apart at one of his “political rallies” in South Carolina, where he told a shocked crowd that he had nearly aborted his first daughter, North. West.

It was a lot to watch from the outside and I became more and more uncomfortable watching as a consumer of pop culture.

Both Kim and Kanye were outspoken about his mental health problems, including being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, after he was hospitalized for emergency psychiatric care in 2016.

Kanye talks about his manic episodes and allows us to get to know their experience, often doing so live on social media or during his performances.

Fighting mental health problems is serious and something that no one should take lightly or treat with anything but the utmost respect and compassion.

I sympathize with Kim Kardashian. I can’t imagine what it was like to have four children with a man who now shares private text messages very publicly, begging to the point of stalking and publicly threatening her new boyfriend Pete Davison.

If Kanye was an ordinary person, not a megastar, no one would be amused by the way he treats his ex-wife and her new boyfriend.

If Kanye was an ordinary person, not a megastar, no one would be amused by the way he treats his ex-wife and her new boyfriend.

In a recent interview, comedian DL Hugley talks about this particular problem with Kanye, which is lurking Kim.

He took this seriously and seriously, saying, “The difference between Kanye and the restraining order is about twenty strokes and several million dollars.”

DL is one hundred percent correct.

He repeated what so many of us feel when we watch Kanye – that it’s not funny and should be taken more seriously.

If Kanye was an ordinary person, not a megastar, no one would be amused by the way he treats his ex-wife and her new boyfriend.

I would go so far as to say that if Kanye were still a megastar rapper but not a man, he would not have been given the freedom of action he has been given so much in the media, and he would have had more responsibility for his behavior. .

Imagine if Cardi B did this on Offset on its social media platforms?

I believe we will have much more talk about her unraveling and less about her genius.

Why do we continue to give Kanye, a 44-year-old man, the benefits of doubt and not express the same sympathy for Kim?

Is it because she has posed naked many times and is the star of a famous sex tape? Is it because she’s a woman? Is it because she has opened her life to us so much that we feel like a commodity, instead of just a mother of four, publicly threatened?

In a text message Kanye posted on his Instagram, Kim told him he was dangerous and put her boyfriend Pete in a precarious situation.

Most of the comments in the Instagram thread focused on Pete Davidson and how he managed to attract one of the most famous and beautiful women in the world.

There was little concern for Kim’s safety and well-being.

Kim Kardashian is seen at Milan Fashion Week on February 24, 2022 in Milan, Italy Pete Davidson was seen on the set of The House on January 31, 2022 in Woodland Park, New Jersey.

In a text message Kanye posted on his Instagram, Kim told him he was dangerous and put her boyfriend Pete in an uncertain situation. (Left) Kim Kardashian is seen at Milan Fashion Week on February 24, 2022 in Milan, Italy (right) Pete Davidson is seen on the set of “The House” on January 31, 2022 in Woodland Park, New Jersey

In her last public appearance, Kanye released a new video for her song “Eazy”.

Now let me say that music is an art and it aims to entertain us and I give a lot of artistic license to musicians and artists.

However, in his latest music video – which is made in the style of black and white clay – there is an image of Kanye kidnapping Pete Davidson and burying him alive.

Throughout the video, Kanye keeps his head cut off. And strangely enough, Kane sprinkles pink seeds on Davidson’s head and then collects the flowers.

Um … good.

The song is mediocre at best and not close to the type of hit at the top of the charts that Kanye is used to releasing.

The video is terribly disturbing.

There are articles from survivors of harassment and abuse that find Kanye’s behavior and his recent trigger video.

One of my friends sent me a message, half-jokingly, asking: So, what will happen next? Will Kanye shoot Pete Davidson?

In an age when we look back at public figures who were very open to their abuse and included him in their work (Bill Cosby was one of the first to come to mind), why do we treat Kanye’s strange behavior as a sign of his genius?

Kim deserves better than us as public users, and Kanye deserves more repulsion.

There are very few downsides for Kanye at the moment and we can still expect him to post even more embarrassing posts on social media about his ex-wife and her boyfriend.

We still buy his music and clothes. He is still partnering with Adidas and will probably never stick to the standard that the rest of us have because he is a world superstar and a man.

I want our culture to evolve beyond all this, but unfortunately we haven’t.

I, for example, agree with DL Hughley, none of this is funny.