Center the Legacy with Flavio Insinna on Rai 1 Cristina

Center the Legacy with Flavio Insinna on Rai 1: Cristina wins 95,000 euros

MARTIGNACCO – The focus is on the final of Legacy on Rai 1: an employee of the University of Udine wins 95,000 euros in gold tokens. Her name is Christina…

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MARTIGNACCO – The last game of Legacy centers on Rai 1: Staff ofUniversity of Udine wins 95,000 euros in gold tokens. Her name is Cristina Novelli and she is from Martignacco, she is 52 years old and she is the new champion who sets fire to the legacy show with Flavio Insinna in the first Rai network.

Tonight, Friday March 3, the competitor from Friuli managed to take the floor in the last game of the guillotine. Cristina – who is not a teacher as initially reported, but an employee – managed to combine the words “chat”, “consume”, “also”, “Frankfurt” and “zero” by writing “minus” in the envelope. Showman Insinna, after keeping her busy for a while, opened the envelope and exploded the party in the studio. Toast and good luck to Cristina.

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in Il Gazzettino