Centrao wants to clear the civic center in the House

Centrão wants to clear the civic center in the House of Representatives from the ministerial restructuring

Centrão MPs say the House is expected to lose up to 30% of its allocations in the vote on the restructuring MP

05/18/2023 11:00 am, updated 05/17/2023 8:06 pm

Members of the Centrão chose the Civil Chamber, commanded by PT Rui Costa, as the priority target for changes in the vote on the Interim Measure (MP), which deals with the ministerial reorganization in the Chamber.

The column heard Centrão parliamentarians estimate that up to 30% of the Civic House allocations could be removed from the portfolio and transferred to ministries run by parties such as MDB, PSD and União Brasil.

One of the possible changes would be the return of the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) to the Department of Planning. The steward is headed by Simone Tebet (MDB), linked to the acronym of the MP’s rapporteur, Isnaldo Bulhões.

Arthur Lira’s (PPAL) allies say that because of the work of the mixed commission, Isnaldo was only due to present his report a few days before the MP’s term expires, which would prevent the government from rolling back the changes.

The interim measure must be voted on in the Joint Committee and plenary sessions of the House and Senate before June 1. If there is no vote, the entire ministerial structure created by Lula will be destroyed.

As the column showed, Rui Costa was targeted by Congress. The Civil House minister has been criticized by several Centrão deputies and senators, who complain about the delay in publishing amendments and positions.