1705749991 CES in Las Vegas Artificial Intelligence is everywhere – The

CES in Las Vegas: Artificial Intelligence is everywhere – The Good Life

“The Good Life” was at CES in Las Vegas and reached around 135,000 visitors, 3,500 exhibitors and 1,000 start-ups. A common denominator: ubiquitous artificial intelligence, but not necessarily omniscient.

AI (“AI” in the original language), this is the final essential ingredient of any self-respecting technological object. A bit like Yuzu in restaurants some time ago… At CES in Las Vegas, the largest high-tech trade fair in the world, artificial intelligence and its advanced version called generative (ChatGPT and others) are omnipresent. A boon for brands and startups lacking innovation, after editions in which the new products were often iterations of existing technologies rather than true revolutions. Such a Holy Grail is certainly not commonplace. So when the opportunity arises to bring some kind of technology to the forefront, everyone takes it. With more or less legitimacy.

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Everyone is concerned with artificial intelligence

For example, AI is making its way into cars, such as Volkswagen, which has announced the introduction of ChatGPT in its cars. “The most interesting thing about ChatGPT for me is the possibility of having it tell a story about a place on the street, for example,” explains Axel Heinrich, head of innovation at VW. Nothing too revolutionary, especially since GDPR rules (and VW's distrust of their new smart friend) limit the location data sent to the American server. The development will be even more impressive with the introduction of conversation features in a second phase. But who wants to talk to their car? Nowadays, only a third of customers use simple voice commands, admits A. Heinrich.

A VW equipped with ChatGPT.A VW equipped with ChatGPT.

A VW equipped with ChatGPT.

In the house of BoschWe point out the possibility of starting to prepare a coffee if the car detects signs of tiredness in the driver upon arrival home. Essential, really?

As for the French automotive supplier ValeoAs one of the giants of the genre, he sees the truth of AI elsewhere. Certainly it offers solutions based on AI, such as the possibility of automatically offering an edited film summarizing a trip, with a 360° view of the car in its context such as a drone, selfies… But its potential will Above all, it is a phenomenal tool for the development of the technologies themselves. Provided you can master the incredible amounts of data that are created: 40 petabytes (or 40,960 terabytes!) are necessary to teach an AI to recognize driving situations, for example. And Geoffrey Bouquot, CTO and Senior VP Strategy at Valeo, reminds us:

Data is like oil, it needs to be refined. »

Perfecto and Vogelhaus at CES Las Vegas

Far from the automotive world, we find AI hidden in the corridors of Eureka Park, a show where start-ups try their luck at CES Las Vegas. In the French tech square we notice the presence of The Kooples for a capsule collection created by a generative AI, explains the brand as the source of ideas.

The computer is more pragmatic LG Gram Pro with Intel AI Boost makes task sharing easier, while the Guidi belt can detect obstacles to precisely guide blind people.

The Kooples at CES 2024.The Kooples at CES 2024.

The Kooples at CES 2024.

But gadgets are never far away at CES. THE Rabbit R1 is a box full of artificial intelligence that is supposed to replace the smartphone – history will show whether it doesn't fall into the pit of false good ideas. The Bird Buddy birdhouse detects birds to photograph them, the smart Flappie trap door only lets the cat in if it has released its prey (the bird from the house?) outside, while Samsung's indescribable connected fridge gets smarter with the Family Hub+ recognizes incoming and outgoing products.

It's up to you to judge how important it is to have your products automatically displayed on the pantry screen, especially since the expiration date must be entered manually. Intelligence sometimes has its limits.

LG Gram Pro.LG Gram Pro.

LG Gram Pro.

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