1690050141 Cesara Buonamici at the GF Cristina Plevani Strange choice its

Cesara Buonamici at the GF, Cristina Plevani: Strange choice, it’s a light show that’s not about culture

Cristina Plevani, the very first winner of Big Brother, commented on the hypothesis that Cesara Buonamici will become the sole commentator: “The choice is strange for everyone, the GF has always been an entertainment show, not a cultural one.”

Cesara Buonamici at the GF Cristina Plevani Strange choice its

cesara Good friendssummit face of TG5, She could be the only commentator on the next issue of DEthe big Brother. The news published by Dagospia are circulating on the Internet, collecting numerous opinions on the subject. Among those who wanted to comment on the indiscretion, there are Cristina Plevani, Winner of the very first edition of the reality show, which she credited as “strange” the opportunity to see the journalist fixed on the red armchair in the studio.

Cristina Plevani’s words about Cesara Buonamici, a possible commentator of the GF 2023/24

Cristina Plevani commented on her Instagram profile about the possibility of Cesara Buonamici becoming the only commentator on Big Brother. The former competitor took part in the very first edition of the reality show when the times and rules were completely different:

Big Brother has always been a light and entertaining program, certainly not a cultural program. Apart from the first edition, which for obvious reasons was almost an (involuntary) social experiment and not a real programme, the subsequent editions have followed the fashion of the times and societal change.”

Plevani acknowledges that over the years, participants have consistently pushed the boundaries of their education, although the program remains an excellent opportunity for those striving for visibility:

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It is true that in recent years too much has been released from the brakes and it is also true that today it is no longer noticeable because the boundaries of decency and vulgarity are no longer crossed. Smile to think that in the early days, in some settings, big brother’s competitors were banned because they were too “popular,” too famous for nothing, and too much in a light that, at that moment, eclipsed those who made a living off the show. However, over time, girlfriend has become an opportunity to gain visibility to those who previously labeled her evil (not that she’s good, but at least be consistent).

“Buonamici’s choice is strange”

For the very first GF winner, now a swimming instructor, opinion leaders should be approxCompetitors of the old editions, “maybe take more names and alternate them from episode to episode”. Instead, he saw “people unrelated to the girlfriend who might not even waste time looking at the whole thing,” likely recorded by the authors “based on the dynamics of the moment.”

Specifically, Plevani believes that ““Buonamici’s choice is strange for everyone”, but she is still curious who the participants will be and also the line of the program that PierSilvio Berlusconi has been aware of since the presentation of the next dates. “There was a time when I wished the House had occasionally spoken about news, current events… in short, the debates between competitors and perhaps made newspaper articles accessible,” he concluded.