In the live program of A Fazenda 2023 (Record) on Tuesday (21), during the creation of the 9th Farm, Cezar Black and Lucas Souza discussed again after the former BBB spoke about the military’s relationship with his exwife Jojo Todynho had .
At the time, Black mentioned that Lucas had taken a photo of his ex in prison. Find out how the revelation came about below.
What was the fight between Black and Lucas on the 9th farm?
The discussion began when Black was nominated by Farmer Jaquelline for the first chair in the 9th field.
Black: “As always, she completely distorts the facts. In my opinion, the only conversation you took part in was yesterday when you broke the furniture in the house. When your friend heard the truth, he lost control, he spat threateningly in my face to break me to hell.”
Black: “Lucas attacked me with all his aggression when I simply told the truth about who you were. The truth came out: he brought a photo of your exwife, with whom Brazil knows you don’t have a good relationship.”
Black: “She sued you several times and overturned the case so you could come here. They tried to use her image in a perverted way that she probably didn’t approve of. A wedding photo of her.” [Jojo] Hold your face. A photo hanging on the same headboard of the bed where he sleeps with Jaquelline.
Then Lucas started screaming: “Shut up, you disgusting person! You pig!” […] Adriane, I will no longer be involved in this farm!”
Black countered: “The truth hurts? The truth hurts, right?”
At this point, the ninjas entered the headquarters to separate the two.
After tempers calmed down, Galisteu warned Lucas: “You’ve already seen Fazenda, you’re a fan of the show and so am I. That’s all.” [provocação] It’s part of the game, it’s a difficult game for everyone. That’s why it’s worth R$1.5 million. The way you play is up to you. Everyone chooses their own. It is a psychological game, yes, it is a game that is not for everyone.
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