Chad A draft new constitution was approved by referendum with

Chad: A draft new constitution was approved by referendum with 86% of the vote

From Le Figaro with AFP

Published yesterday at 9:11 p.m., updated yesterday at 9:18 p.m.

The final results of this referendum here in Chad must be announced by the Supreme Court on December 28th. Picasa/robnaw –

According to the transition authorities, this referendum is intended to pave the way for elections at the end of 2024 and guarantee a return to civilian power. The final results are due to be announced by the Supreme Court on December 28th.

Chadians approved the new draft constitution presented by the military junta that has ruled for two and a half years with 86% of the vote, the electoral commission announced according to preliminary official results.

“They have redesigned the results, which have been in the works for a long time, to make them available to the public today. “It is a disgrace for the country,” denounced Yoyana Banyara, president of the Federal Bloc, who called for a “no” vote.


For Max Kemkoye, president of the Consultation Group of Political Actors (GCAP), who called for a boycott, “the participation rate would be lower than what CONOREC announced, everyone saw on the day of the vote that the boycott was respected.”

“The participation rate in the referendum on December 17th is 63.75%,” the electoral commission said. The institution welcomes the good result of the vote, which only concerns “minor dysfunctions”. “Chadians voted 86% for the highly decentralized unitary state. However, we should also listen to the 14% of Chadians who voted no because of the message they want to convey,” notes the spokesman for the Yes coalition.

For a section of the opposition and civil society, this election resembles a referendum intended to prepare the election of the interim president, General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, and to maintain a “dynasty” founded by his late father. That was 33 years ago after a coup.

The final results are due to be announced by the Supreme Court on December 28th. This referendum represents an important step towards the return of the civilian population to power, promised by the military junta and ultimately postponed until the end of 2024.