With few chapters ahead of her, Gloria Perez has plenty of time to push ahead with the reforms she feels are needed in Travessia. So far, the new nine o’clock soap opera is not popular with the audience and suffers from numerous criticisms that will force the author to change the route of its plot.
Among the existing possibilities for the start of the soap opera, the column proposes one: the return of Débora, a character created by Grazi Massafera.
There are so many bugs in the first few weeks that we even forget that Travessia had an interesting first chapter. And that interest was precisely for Débora, Guerra’s girlfriend (Humberto Martins), who cheated on him with Moretti (Rodrigo Lombardi).
In the short time she was on site, the character set Travessia on fire. She cheated, lied, asked for forgiveness, almost got murdered, got pregnant, had an accident, gave birth and died. It was a fast but memorable passage. Débora proved to be a rousing character who grew in strength with Grazi Massafera’s inspired interpretation. This entitles them to a triumphant return.
lacks charisma
One of Travessia’s big problems (aside from the main story, which doesn’t make sense) is the lack of charismatic characters. So far there is no conspicuous type that could appeal to the public.
In the first chapter of the novel, Débora showed herself to be just like that. The meteoric passage affected the public, mainly because of Grazi’s great charisma. So much so that the actress was the most acclaimed of the premiere. Even Mauro Mendonça Filho, director of the storyline, celebrated the actress’ passage through the storyline.
By leaving the scene so quickly, Débora left a void in Travessia. So far, the soap opera has offered a gallery of uncharismatic characters. Lucy Alves tries to give the strength a protagonist deserves, but Brisa is wrong. It is very difficult to cheer on a young lady who lacks intelligence. Ari (Chay Suede), Chiara (Jade Picon), Moretti, Leonor (Vanessa Giácomo)… There is no shortage of boring characters in this soap opera.
turn the roulade
“Poor people who can’t fly!” Gloria Perez replies whenever someone in her novel points out an inconsistency. So now it’s time for the author to show that it’s possible to fly and come up with a rather bizarre excuse to “revive” Débora. She needs to get back on the act!
So far, Débora is the only character in Travessia who moves the audience. Therefore, she should not only rise from the dead, but take the lead. Crossing needs more Debora and less Metaverse.
About the author
André Santana is a journalist, writer and cultural producer. He grew up with the “electronic nanny” and turned his passion for TV into a career in 2005 when he started the blog TeleVisão. Since then he has written about television in several specialist publications. He is the author of the book TeleVisão: A Televisão Brasileira em 10 Anos, published by EB Ações Culturais and Clube de Autores.
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