He even got mobile Alfonso Signorini for the reinstatement of Charlie Gnocchi on RTL 102.5, after the resistance of the patron Lorenzo Suraci. Images released on radio’s social media after the announcer left Big Brother Vip’s home showed a suitor Charlie Gnocchi for days in the presence of Suraci, clearly impatient with his presence. In short, reinstatement didn’t seem obvious at all. Also because radio has been undergoing an important generational change in recent years, which has drastically reduced the average age of conductors. Many others have chosen to leave after years of working in radio for various reasons such as: circuit boards, Laura Ghislandi (new face of Radio Montecarlo since this month), GIgio D’Ambrosio (also historical voice of “Verissimo”), Paolo Cavallone, Manila Nazzaro to name a few.
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In any case, thanks to Signorini’s intervention, the situation was unblocked and the president of RTL 102.5 warned Gnocchi: “As I cannot say no to Alfonso Signorini, you have forced me to put you back on the schedule. I’ll rewrite the contract for you, but with one clause: The relationship ends in the first episode of Paraculaggin“. Of course it was all a joke. Gnocchi has already been on the air on W L’Italia from 11 since yesterday, with Federica Gentile temporarily replacing Angelo Baiguini and waiting to return to his weekend spot.
“When I realized I was the most hated person in the house, I felt a surge of pride. – commented on RTL 102.5 Gnocchi – I am a radio presenter and I like to talk, I want to know everything and everyone and have been called a double agent. I enjoyed ninety days in the house. I built two radios in the GF’s house: a kitchen radio and a compulsory radio. I don’t forget my passion and I also tried to do radio there. I’ve got three kids and two families to support: I’m going back to radio.”
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