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Chaves terminates education cooperation agreement between Costa Rica and Cuba

This content was published on May 20, 2022 – 00:11 May 20, 2022 – 00:11

San José, 19th May (EFE) .- The President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, announced this Thursday the termination of an agreement on educational cooperation that the country has had in force with Cuba since 2019.

“We made this decision after analyzing the current situation in our education system and the reforms needed to move the country forward following the education freeze of recent years,” Chaves said in a brief press release.

According to the Costa Rican government, which did not explain the decision further, the termination has “immediate implications” but will “not affect ongoing joint projects.”

The cooperation agreement was signed on April 29, 2019 between the then Education Minister of Costa Rica, Edgar Mora, and the Cuban Ambassador in San José, Danilo Sánchez.

The document was signed during a visit by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez to Costa Rica, the first visit by a foreign minister to the island in 50 years.

According to official statements, the agreement should “promote and develop cooperation in areas of common educational interest on the basis of the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit”.

Costa Rica severed diplomatic ties with Cuba in 1961, but relations were resumed on March 18, 2009 by then-President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize winner Óscar Arias. EFE


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