Che Tempo Che Fa Giuliano Amato about the jury quotSometimes

Che Tempo Che Fa, Giuliano Amato about the jury: "Sometimes they make mistakes"

In Che Tempo Che Fa we talk about justice and in particular the tug of war between the government and the officials. Combined with Fabio Fazio on the Sunday, December 3rd episode, nothing less than Giuliano Amato. The former judge of the Constitutional Court begins the nine with a kind of thanksgiving: “May God bless the fact that we have 7/8000 judges who depend only on the law and not on others. That’s really one of the most essential factors to make sure we need it.

But not all judges always act objectively and impartially: “Then sometimes they make mistakessometimes they look for errors, sometimes they love theoretical constructions more than the evidence that comes from facts.” Nevertheless, Amato says that he “loves our system and that it certainly needs reform, but fundamentally it should be the characteristics that it has.” remain, in my opinion. Also consider me conservative“.

Also read: What is the weather, Fazio: “Burioni is not here, great sadness”

Then he explains about his new role as President of the Artificial Intelligence Committee: “The commission that I am a member of was set up within the publishing department and is specifically concerned with the impact that AI, artificial intelligence, has and can have on the editorial work, on the work of journalists, on the work of those who write books. In short, ChatGPT, which we all know can write any text, even in my or his style, can replace journalists. “Will we let AI write articles?” Will she write stories? What happens to journalists? The authors of books? There is a lot to evaluate…”