Chiara Ferragni finds herself at the center of an unprecedented crisis after the controversial Pandoro Balocco episode. Determined to face the situation with determination, the famous influencer recently adopted a strategy of restraint. After publishing an apology video and committing to a real donation of one million euros to the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin, Ferragni remained silent on social media and gave up her online activity during the first Christmas holidays she spent in her new Milan Penthouse spent, temporarily. On the contrary, her husband Fedez remained active on social media.
During this period of reflection, significant efforts are being made behind the scenes to address the difficulties that have arisen, especially after the termination of the contracts with the first partners, including Safilo, which has terminated the contract for the designer eyewear line Ferragni. In order to deal with the situation in the best possible way, Ferragni's team forms a crisis unit and relies on the law firm Gianni Origoni to handle the legal, corporate and civil law aspects. Marcello Bana's office now handles the legal aspects of the Milan public prosecutor's office.
A crucial point, reports Tg La7, is the brand's reputation, which is why the influencer wants to seek advice from an agency that specializes in corporate crises. Ferragni's biggest concern is not so much the loss of followers, currently capped at 100,000 out of a total of nearly 30 million, but rather the important millionaire collaborations associated with her brand or with her personally. Prestigious brands such as Tod's, Pantene, Nespresso, Morellato, Pigna and baby products company Nanan are part of this galaxy of collaborations that have helped build Ferragni's reputation as a successful entrepreneur, now threatened by the current crisis.