Chiara Ferragni permanent damage to the brand The expert39s analysis

Chiara Ferragni, permanent damage to the brand? The expert's analysis: How many possibilities are there

What will Chiara Ferragni's future look like after the Pandoro Gate and the serious fraud investigation? Riccardo Puglisi, professor of finance at the University of Pavia and expert in mass media economics, gives an overview of the situation regarding the influencer: “The Ferragni brand has multipliers in the luxury sector. He will definitely suffer. But it is by no means certain that at the end of this whirlwind, which has probably only just begun, the protagonist's image will be permanently damaged. Ferragni has a lot of strings in his hands.”

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“Today – the expert told La Nazione – important companies are distancing themselves. It's physiological. The hard core of fans is very strong. And it will probably last. The loss of enchantment is present, but it could be temporary. The Ferragni brand may be able to sponsor new iconic exploits despite the investigation. It has an innate ability to transfer value to products. Today the queen of influencers is undoubtedly paying the price, but in the long run she could just as quickly return to the top. Puglisi is unconvinced about what will happen to Fedez's wife: “I don't see more than a 30 percent chance of permanent reputational damage. On the contrary, I give a 70% chance of a scenario with significant reputational damage, which will, however, be compensated for in a reasonable amount of time with intelligence and transparency.”

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