Chibougamau a microbrewery rescued by emergency services LesAffairescom

Chibougamau: a microbrewery rescued by emergency services –

Chibougamau a microbrewery rescued by emergency services LesAffairescom

To the great relief of Maître Renard microbrewery, the second anniversary celebrations can finally take place next Saturday. (Photo: Microbrewery Maître Renard)

Almost two years after it opened, microbrewery Maître Renard in Chibougamau is struggling with a major problem: forest fires in the region.

The co-owner of the company, which employs around 20 people, Nathaniel Perron, already lists significant food losses as a result of the evacuation. The six-day closure has resulted in a significant deficit and the cancellation of events and reservations.

Before the evacuation of the city, the entrepreneur was preparing to celebrate the second anniversary of the microbrewery. Instead, in an almost apocalyptic atmosphere due to the orange skies, he evacuated customers and employees while leaving the beers in production and perishable foodstuffs behind.

He is hoping for compensation from the government to get back on his feet. Nathaniel Perron explains that “It’s not always worth making an insurance claim because it only increases payments later on.” To date, the Quebec government has not announced any support for companies. On the other hand, compensation of US$1,500 will be given per household evacuated due to the wildfires.

Beers rescued by emergency services

Thanks to his constant contact with the emergency services, Nathaniel Perron was able to limit the damage to the beer produced. The latter stopped the fermenters during the closure in order to keep the beers in preparation for as long as possible.

Even in these difficult times, the entrepreneur maintained close contact with his employees. They started a small community via a Facebook group to support each other: “Everyone stays in touch, we’re really a big family,” he notes.

Raw materials at risk?

Microbrewery Maître Renard uses local forest products in its recipes, be it mushrooms, flowers or blueberries. Boreal forest products are thus well anchored in the brand identity. According to Nathaniel Perron, the consequences of the forest fires should not have any impact on the supply chain for the time being, since the goods from the boreal forest are purchased a year in advance. There is no short-term risk for the company.

He also remains optimistic about the future: “The fire is not on Chibougamau’s doorstep, so it is unlikely that our produce area will be affected.” Despite this, the co-owner needs to do an inventory with the local pickers to ensure that he will have all the necessary products in the future.

To the great relief of Maître Renard microbrewery, the second anniversary celebrations can finally take place next Saturday. More than 150 people are expected on site.