Sapato Face scolds Gabriel and gets upset Hes going in

Chico Barney BBB 23: At the party, Gabriel pretends to be a victim of the problem he caused Splash

Live from Curicica, straight from the BBB23 payperview. More than once Gabriel referred to Tadeu Schmidt’s message as a result of the aggressive behavior he had developed towards Bruna, as if it were the result of pure coincidence or fate.

“What happened to me,” he says. Just like the exogenous event over which he would have no control. The crux of the problem is just that: it wasn’t something that happened to him, it was something he made happen. Gabriel is the agent provocateur of the situation.

Until you take responsibility, you will continue to make mistakes. How he made a mistake at Friday’s party when he was rude to Larissa, who wanted to guarantee the mandatory distance between him and Bruna Griphao to protect her friend.

Cara de Sapato showed the resilience of the highperformance athlete when he tried to explain to the swaying man the effects of his posture. Gabriel pouted and acted like the spoiled brat he hadn’t been in years.

He wanted his friend to scold Larissa, he wanted the world to understand his pain, he wanted to pervert reality to fit his false narrative. The fighter was overcome with fatigue he left the area to sleep and stop giving the leash to crooked talk.

At this point in the game, Gabriel seems irreplaceable. He has no interest in selfcriticism, preferring to point fingers to seek comfort or support for his baseless rebellion.

He’s a very poor character that forces the entire cast to lower the narrative level in a season full of complexity. This subplot must be overcome quickly.

We’ll get back to you with new information at any time.