Chikis Rivera surprises her grandmother with a beautiful gift They

Chikis Rivera surprises her grandmother with a beautiful gift. They reconciled?

Chikis Rivera surprises her grandmother with a beautiful gift. They reconciled?

Getty Images Chickis Rivera

The deteriorating relationship between Chiquis Rivera and her maternal grandmother, better known as Doña Rosa, could lead to a reconciliation. The grandmother and granddaughter made cute gestures towards each other, which would reflect that little by little they would put their differences behind them.

The first to have details of the approach was Chickis, who sent Jenny Rivera’s mother a copy of his latest book, Invincible. Although the 36-year-old singer did not make a public pleasant gesture to her grandmother, it was Doña Rosa who, through a post on her Instagram account, informed her audience of the pleasant surprise she received.

“With my Dr. Sylvia Majorkin, I received my Chiquis as a gift. My beautiful girl!” Dona Rosa wrote next to a photo in which she appears with a book by her eldest daughter Jenny Rivera in her hands.

Immediately, more than 490 thousand followers of Doña Rosa on Instagram expressed their joy at her words. “I am very happy, Dona Rosa, I am not one of those who comment, but I am glad that love is stronger than any problem, love each other. They really need you”, “Be that as it may, they are grandmother and granddaughter, and in the family you always need to talk to each other, no matter how many problems and conflicts”, and “I hope they resolved their differences, families quarrel, but when there is love, love is eternal,” some comments were left to him.

Although there was no shortage of those who criticized Rivera’s matriarch for previously speaking ill of her granddaughter. Why didn’t he say bad things about her? I’m already lost”, “So much hypocrisy in the photo” and “Well, it’s good that Donita changed her mind, but something is certain: what she said will never be forgotten by her grandchildren,” some netizens wrote.

The problems between the five children of Doña Rosa and Jenny Rivera began because of the inheritance left by La Diva de la Banda. That’s because Doña Rosa didn’t think her grandchildren should question how her daughter Rosie handled the deceased singer’s estate.

The fact that Doña Rosa spoke badly of her grandchildren hurt Chiquis, who has always been very protective of her siblings, whom she considers her children because she has been taking care of them since she was ten years old.

“My grandmother is and always will be a big part of the woman that I am, I love her very much, I miss her very much, unfortunately it happened. I would like everything to be different, I understand her, she should be with her children. For a while I did not understand this, now I must understand, and I know that she understands me, that I should also be with my children, who are my brothers, because they do not have a mother, they do not have a father , but there is a sister,” Cheeky recently told La Opinion newspaper.

“Now I think that the mistake that we have made or many of us make in the family, in any relationship, is not to speak. It is important to speak, people understand each other by talking, asking, not assuming, and I think that’s what happened (…) Now there is no communication, mutually not having that communication, I believe that it is right now that everything is fine with us and so, I pray to God every day for her, for my family, but now I think that we are calmer and more peaceful,” Chikis concluded.

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