The powerful documentary series children’s collector, hosted by journalist and presenter Paul Arcand, will air on TVA starting next month.
Paul Arcand deals with the disturbing topic of cyber pedophilia and even meets with suspected pedophiles to confront them.
It’s about police operations – a pedophile is even caught in the act – investigations by the Youth Protection Directorate (DPJ) and statements from victims who, let us remember, are children who will carry these traumas for the rest of their lives.
Joël Lemay / QMI Agency
The documentary series paints a disturbing picture of cyber pedophilia, revealing the complexity of operations aimed at arresting criminals and also stopping the spread of photos of children in lewd positions, which often resurface after being deleted.
The three episodes released last fall on the Vrai platform and directed by André St-Pierre, co-author of the series with Paul Arcand, will also air in a second window on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 Shown on TVA As of: December 6th, 9 p.m. The documentary series will also be available on TVA+.