Child invades White House and is held back by security

Child invades White House and is held back by security guards

The little boy is being held back by Secret Service agents after infiltrating the White House on Wednesday. Reproduction: ABC News

A 2yearold boy climbed through a fence into the White House on Tuesday, sparking a brief security outage. Secret Service agents responsible for security at the President’s official residence quickly intervened to arrest the little boy.

Secret Service communications chief Anthony Gugliemi said the “curious young visitor” managed to “walk along the north fence line and briefly enter the White House grounds.” According to him, “White House security systems immediately turned on Secret Service officials, and the child and parent were quickly reunited.” The boy’s parents were briefly questioned and then sent away.

The fence the child squeezed through is over 4 meters high. The structure was installed in 2019 after several intruders entered the White House grounds.

The most alarming incident happened in early 2017, when a man with chemical spray climbed a fivefoot fence at the US Treasury Department and spent 16 minutes on White House grounds before being arrested.

The intruder Jonathan Tran was found with two cans of Mace, a passport, a computer and a book belonging to thenPresident Donald Trump. He told the agents who arrested him that he was a friend of Trump’s and had an appointment.